Veteran owned LLCs in Texas

No Filing Fee for a Veteran-Owned Texas LLC

Thanks to Senate Bill 938, veteran-owned LLCs are once again free to form in Texas. In this article, I’ll detail the new law and outline how a new 100% veteran-owned Texas LLC is entitled to a waiver (or refund) of the $300 state filing fee.

Please note, we have a separate article that outlines various benefits, opportunities, and advantages that come with being subsequently certified as a veteran-owned business (51% or more owned by veterans). 

Are veterans able to create a Texas LLC for free?

Senate Bill 938 revived an old law that allows veterans to form a Texas LLC for free. Starting on January 1, 2022, "new veteran-owned businesses" are entitled to a waiver (or refund) of the $300 state filing fee.

What is a new veteran-owned business?

For purposes of the Texas state filing fee waiver and franchise tax exemptions, a new veteran-owned business is one that started in 2022 or later, and is 100% owned by honorably discharged veterans.

The Texas Tax Code 171.0005 (as amended by Senate Bill 938) defines a "new veteran-owned business" as a new (formed in 2022 or later) business in which each owner is a natural person who: (1) served in and was honorably discharged from a branch of the United States armed forces; and (2) provides verification to the comptroller of the person's service and discharge.

A "new business" is a taxable entity that: (1) is chartered or organized or otherwise formed in Texas; and (2) first begins doing business in this state on or after January 1, 2022.

How does a veteran form a Texas LLC for free?

A new veteran-owned business is entitied to a waiver (or refund) of the $300 state filing fee.

In order to form an LLC for free, the veteran-owned business will need to prove that the LLC is 100% owned by honorably discharged veterans.  This is accomplished by showing the Texas Secretary of State two documents (1) a Letter of Verification of Veteran’s Honorable Discharge for each member/owner; and (2) a Certification of New Veteran-Owned Business (Comptroller Form 05-904).

How do I request a Letter of Verification of Honorable Discharge?

To initiate the verification process, visit the Veteran Entrepreneur Program's (VEP) secure web page to complete the questionnaire, and upload the required verification documents. Each veteran owner must provide their DD-214 (must show Character of Service found on Service Copy 2 or Member 4). Legal documentation will be required when the veteran's legal name differs from the name on DD-214. You can read more about the Letter of Verification here:

    How long does it take to get a Letter of Verification?

    It typically takes the Texas Veterans Commission 10 business days to process a request for a Letter of Verification. Once processed, they will email you a copy of the Letter of Verification.

    Can a veteran form a Texas LLC without a Verification Letter?

    A veteran may form a Texas LLC without the Letter of Verification, but you will have to pay the $300 filing fee. Once you receive the Letter of Verification, you may request a refund from the Secretary of State.
    Due to the time it takes to receive the Letter of Verification AND the slower processing times associated with the state's SOSUpload portal (which is how a Certificate of Formation with the proof of veteran ownership must be submitted), we often form veteran-owned LLCs via SOSDirect and request a refund after formation. SOSDirect filings are processed in 4 business days versus 10 business days with SOSUpload.

    Is my LLC eligible to be a new veteran-owned business?

    To be deemed a "new veteran-owned business," your LLC must:

    • Be formed in Texas on or after January 1, 2022, and before January 1, 2026, AND
    • Be 100% owned by honorably discharged veterans from a branch of the U.S. Armed Services.

    Filing Fee Waiver

    A 100% veteran-owned LLC is entitled to a waiver (or refund) of the $300 state filing fee associated with the formation of a new Texas LLC.

    Franchise Tax Exemption

    A 100% veteran-owned LLC is exempt from paying franchise taxes until either the fifth anniversary of the LLC's existence or the day it fails to qualify as a veteran-owned business - whichever comes first.

    Annual Reporting Waived

    Starting January 1, 2024, a new veteran-owned business does not have to file an annual report (franchise tax report or public information report) with the Texas Comptroller during its initial five-year period. Read more.


    If you are an honorably discharged veteran looking to form a new Texas LLC for free, follow these steps:

    1. Obtain Department of Defense Form 214 (DD214) for use in next step;
    2. Obtain a Letter of Verification from Texas Veterans Commission;
    3. Fill out and sign a Certificate of New Veteran Owned Business (Form 05-904);
    4. Prepare a Certificate of Formation;
    5. File the Certificate of Formation, Letter of Verification, and Form 05-904 via SOSUpload.

    Zachary Copp, Esq.

    Attorney at Copp Law Firm, PC

    Mr. Copp is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and the founder of the Copp Law Firm. He has been licensed in Texas for 20 years and has personally formed over 3,500 Texas LLCs since 2015. He was recognized as a Rising Star by SuperLawyers® for seven straight years. See full bio →