LLC Taxation

LLC Taxation

Overview of Federal Taxation of LLCs

LLCs do not have their own federal income tax classification. Therefore, an LLC can choose how it will be classified for federal tax purposes. Tax flexibility is one of the benefits of an LLC.

The LLC’s federal tax classification options are:

  1. Sole Proprietorship/Partnership (the standard classifications);
  2. S-Corporation; or
  3. C-corporation.

Standard Federal Tax Classifications

Unless a tax election is filed with the IRS (see below), an LLC with one member will be taxed like a sole proprietorship, and an LLC with multiple members will be taxed like a partnership. The majority of LLCs will be taxed under these standard tax classifications. Let's take a deeper look:

Tax Elections/Options

An LLC can opt out of the standard tax classifications by filing a tax election with the IRS within 75 days after the date on which the LLC is registered (or before the 75th day of a future year). The two optional tax elections are:

Frequently Asked Questions

What tax classifications are considered pass-through?

The sole proprietorship, partnership, and s-corp classifications are considered “pass-through” structures, which means the profits pass through to the owners, and the LLC's owners (not the LLC) will have the income tax burden.

Can I take a salary from my LLC?

A member of an LLC can be a W-2 employee (i.e., receive a salary) ONLY IF the LLC has elected to be taxed like a corporation (s-corp or c-corp) and the member actively works for the LLC. If your LLC is taxed like a sole proprietorship or partnership (the standrd tax classifications), members cannot be classified as employees and are not eligible to receive a salary.

Can an LLC owned by spouses elect single-member taxation?

Yes. An LLC whose only members are a married couple who file a joint return and live in a community property state (like Texas) can elect to be taxed like a single-member LLC (what the IRS calls a "disregarded entity").

Disclaimer: We are not CPAs nor tax professionals and nothing in this article or on this site should be considered as tax, accounting, or legal advice. Every LLC’s tax situation is different, and tax situations change over time as a company grows and becomes more profitable. Be sure to discuss with a tax professional before you make any decisions on the tax classification of your new LLC or change the tax classification of your existing LLC.

Zachary Copp, Esq.

Attorney at Copp Law Firm, PC

Mr. Copp is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and the founder of the Copp Law Firm. He has been licensed in Texas for 20 years and has personally formed over 3,500 Texas LLCs since 2015. He was recognized as a Rising Star by SuperLawyers® for seven straight years. See full bio →